
The Nokia Facebook Phone: Complete integration of Facebook into the OS

…And a total dream.

As Murat Mutlu explains in this comment contributed on my earlier Nokia/Yahoo post:

Mate when I first joined Nokia, I put together a concept for Nokia s60 phones where they completely integrated with Facebook, including inbox, calendar, contacts, homescreen newsfeed as well as the main application which had chat etc. This was around 6 months before the Apple App Store was launched.

No one gave a damn internally, some even questioned why Nokia should build the app instead of Facebook (eer hello?). Nokia is so fragmented that no one knows who you should put your idea in front of, it’s amazing there is absolutely no incentive for staff to push to get their ideas developed, all you get is a 5 page ‘business case’ doc which you fill in and ‘assemble your own team’ to get it made.

As if you would bother go through all that along with your existing work! Like you said, Nokia has a ton of talented and passionate people but unfortunately none are at senior management level. I still don’t think Nokia has an app for s60 devices pre-5th edition do they?

Nokia is going no where fast, another re-org won’t solve anything, it’s the third one in 18 months. Their processes are retarded, their reputation is battered, they keep bringing out re-skined versions of exactly the same phone, and Symbian is still a utter and complete dog.

The thing is if Nokia just went for it and completely integrated Facebook Chat, they would seriously have a contender for Blackberry Messenger which has taken over the youth market. But they are too slow, too backward thinking.

Oh dear.