
The Pre-MWC Drinks Reception: Thank you for coming!

The pre-MWC drinks reception with Hotwire PR took place last night in London. It was absolutely fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet everyone and discuss MWC.

There was a simply brilliant array of vendors and brands represented, from e-commerce platforms to aggregators, digital service providers, mobile advertising, telecoms — indeed the selection of innovative mobile companies present was really encouraging.

Perhaps predictably, there was strong enthusiasm for MWC — and I must say a shout-out to James Body of Truphone for having attended 13 MWCs (and 3GSMs as they were own) so far. There were also some MWC-first-timers so I did my best to offer some useful advice.

What was clear from the discussions last night is that there’s a real mix of companies exhibiting this year — not just the usual suspects — so this certainly suggests that MWC will have quite a different look and feel this year.

Given the fact MWC has been pushed back to late February this year, I think it’s fair to say that quite a lot of people are a bit late to the game this year. Some companies I’ve spoken to recently are only JUST getting round to planning things. It’s getting late!! If you’re in need of a bit of assistance for the show, do consider talking to Hotwire. They’re task masters when it comes to MWC so if you’d like a warm intro, please let me know or give Annette Leach a call (+44 207 608 2500) and tell her I sent you.

Thank you to the Hotwire team for hosting the event and taking care of the drinks.

If you managed to make it down, thank you for coming!