
The Smartphone Obsession in Marketing, Part 1

The Smartphone Obsession

Here’s Part 1 of the Smartphone Obsession Series that I’m producing thanks to the support of mobile messaging giant, OpenMarket.

In this first episode, I talked with Alex Meisl, Chairman at mobile marketing specialists, Sponge Group. Alex is also joint-Chairman of the Mobile Marketing Association so I thought it would be fascinating to get his viewpoints first.

Is there too much obsession with smartphones in the mobile marketing arena?

Why do companies jump straight for iPhone, even when they’re marketing products and services that really don’t appeal to iPhone users?

How much influence does the argument ‘but the Chairman’s got an iPhone’ have on the decision process?

What do you do when you want to reach everyone in the mobile channel, rather than just the smartphone users?

Have a watch and find out!

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