
The 24k carat phone for every Buddhist; N70 attracts evil spirits

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If you’re getting into Buddhism or if you’re already there, then you might consider dumping your existing handset for a nifty looking (if a little toooo gold) Buddhist handset.

From what I can make out from the machine translation, this looks to be an ‘official’ Buddhist handset, complete with jade (or jade effect) buttons and various inscriptions around the handset.

It’s not lacking in terms of technology. It’s got a camera… touch screen, stylus, microSD memory card… one imagines it’s omni-band (i.e. it works anywhere).

I’m led to believe it’s ‘official’ based on the fact that there’s a Buddhist Master portrayed on some kind of certificate.

You can view the details yourself here.

As for evil spirits, you want to watch the N70. The translation reckons that it’s ‘estimated to be around in evil spirits’. Doesn’t sound good. But then I’ve always thought that about the N70…

(Thanks Mike)