
The Apple iPhone - predictions before the rush

Before the reviews are posted, before the big chaps weigh in, here’s what I think.

1. It will be generally well received
2. There will be a few ‘limiting’ factors. For example, the keyboard looks to be an issue for anyone with fingers and a standard amount of moisture on them. Who knows.
3. Texting will probably be a load of shit with that keyboard. We’ll see.
4. The email will be useless for anyone who gets more than 5 emails a day … unless of course, they keyboard is any good.
5. The music integration will be brilliant.
6. Someone will realise that at 2G/2.5G speeds, it ain’t that brilliant for the UK. Although if you live in and around a wifi area, could be good, could be good.
7. Just what is going on about the battery? Will it screw things up for Apple? My iPod battery is fine. But I don’t use it religiously like I do my handsets. They’re being recharged like no tomorrow.
8. I will want one I’m sure.

Got any to add?