
The Future of Mobile is Dire

At least, that’s what I’m going to speak about at The Future of Mobile conference next month.

Dominic Travers, the organiser, just asked me for a few sentences outlining what I’ll be speaking about. Here they are:

The future of mobile is dire. Until we stop using telephones with bolted on ‘shit internet’, the industry is, broadly speaking, going nowhere and will remain stuck in an ever so slightly modified 1920s wire line mentality. We’ll have arrived at the ‘future of mobile’ when I am able to walk down the beach front in Cannes — that is ROAMING — and be able to order flowers for my mother from my device in less than 10 seconds and two clicks or taps.

Now, if you haven’t got your ticket for Future of Mobile, now is the time. The special code — MIR20 (in caps) gets you the discounted price. The entire MIR Show team will there. We’ll be more than there, actually. We’ll have a booth. With the HD camera (and two other HDs roaming the conference). It is our intent to interview as many people as possible on the day at the booth.

You can get your ticket from here.