
The Google G1 from T-Mobile -- overview of the launch

Our man, Mark Burstiner, is on the scene at the T-Mobile Google G1 launch. If you’d like to experience the announcements in a live form, scroll to the bottom and read up…

Heading down for the hands-on! Will Tweet pics and such!
PAHAHAH!!! Wrote an app that measures how high you throw it in the air.
google founders take the stage!
Does work internationally
Will not play iTunes purchased music. Only DRM free music.
Gtalk IS here!
Consumer device. Not enterprise.
“Chrome lite”
Chrome? Kinda! Based on mobile webkit!
Bluetooth is crippled.
Guy said “iPhone” T-Mobile said: “The device you mentioned.”
WIll fall back on 2G
Will be available outside of 3G coverage area. Does have wifi.
A: Nope. everything is on backend.
Q: proprietary sync app for desktops?
Q: Push email? A: gmail is push.
WIll be locked to T-Mobile
A: Can read Word, Excel, PDF. No exchange. But theres always 3rd party!
Q: Office? Sim hopping?
A: No tethering 🙁
Q: “Will it tether!?!?!?”
Rest of Europe 1st quarter 09
Will be in Europe as well. UK NOv
For those of you born before 1990.
T-Mobile launching 3G this year. 16 markets right now. By 10/22 20.
2 options: 25$ unlimited data and some sms. 35$ unlimited data and sms.
Existing T-Mobile can order it today have it shipped to them when it’s out. Launch is Oct. 22
Barcode scanner. CueCat anyone?
The device is smaller than it lets on.
SOrry I have to Twi-spam this. Next time will liveblog.
Feeble attempt at humor. Woops. Nobody laughed. The phone still looks cool though!
Video on the importance of Android’s open-source-ness.
Big thanks to MediaLets for breakfast this morning! @ericlitman is a gentleman and a scholar and @ranajune is a lady.
Zoom-ins in browser.
WOW! Compass mode in Maps. Epid.
iPhone style no-stylus screen
Long Press, SHort Press seem to be a trend.
Wow. Really looking great so far.

Does have gTalk it looks like!
Demo video
Unveiled! Looks great! We’ll get to use it soon.
G1 introduced!
“No more fuzzy pictures on the internet”
How are we going to change Mobile? Step towards openness and embrace third-party applications.
Back to Cole Brodman Chief Tech and Innovation Officer @ T-Mobile
An experience focused on user-enjoyment
Peter Chou, Chief Exec Officer @ HTC
Because it’s open the platform can be modified. Thus making it future-proof
Andy Rubin, Sr Dir Mobile Platforms @ Google takes the stage
“T-Mobile G1 is a milestone”
Exclusive with T-Mobile
Celebrating a new device and system.
Starting! Video with cool technoish music

Here’s Mark’s live QIK: