
The iPhone will 'crush Android'

So reckons Jamie writing over at AndroidGuys.

Here we are months away from the launch of the first Android hardware, and Google along with the Open Handset Alliance is gearing up for the war against Apple and the vaunted iPhone.

If Apple are able to sort out their price points, they might still have some fight in them yet.

The big challenge whenever people talk about the iPhone — or Android (at the moment) — is the fact that outside the TechCrunch 50,000, 100,000 or even half million, everyone and their dog is generally using the most outdated of handsets — tied into shocking 24 month contracts, and when it comes to buying new handsets, are extremely, extremely price conscious.

So until we’re getting iPhones free in packs of Cornflakes, the market for other handsets will be roaring.

The iPhone and Android? Hmm. Well, I subscribe, partially, to Jamie’s viewpoint, particularly along the lines of the managed Apple experience. They really do that very well.

But not enough is known yet to really, truly predict. I wonder how Google will manage Android going forward. Will they be as aggressively tuned to the entire experience as Apple? No, I suspect not. But you know, I could be wrong.

The other point: If your common-or-garden Android handset is as easy as Google to operate, then my mother could yet swap in for one of them.