
The MIR Annual 2008 - coming soon to bookshops

We have officially begun the task of collating the MIR Annual 2008. If you recall we did the SMS Text News Annual last year — and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing an array of our content in print.

This year we’re doing it again, only this time, we’re changing the format slightly.

First of all, we’re putting in a few Top 10s. (Our top handsets of 2008, for example, our top 10 applications of 2008 and the like).

Instead of printing out selected articles verbatim, we’re changing that around too. You’ll certainly see one or two articles printed in full — although I’m not too sure about printing the rants. There’s something rather challenging about giving your mother an Annual filled with selected ‘It’s F8king SHIT!!!’ comments all over the place.

We’ll be including a commentary for each month including quotes and discussions about the coverage on that particular month.

We’re still deciding exactly what service we’ll use for hosting and publishing the book.

If you’ve got any suggestions for what we should include in this year’s Annual, please let me know — either by mail or below.

Last year a few people were indignant and bordering on the annoyed because I negated to inform them about the possibility of advertising within the annual. So if you’d like to discuss that, drop me a note —

I’m reasonably confident that we’ll be offering the option to download a PDF copy of the Annual as well as buy a physical one. I’ll keep you updated on that — and the Annual launch party 😉

We also wish we had the following and I make no promises about being able to include them. Ever.

* A foreword from Stephen Fry on his best mobile device of 2008
* A summary on the best and worst of industry developments from Mr Operator
* Bill Gates on Why Windows Mobile Doesn’t Quite Work Yet and Why 2009 Will Be The Year of Microsoft-Mobile
* An op-ed from Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan (inc pictures) on why the Blackberry is messaging device of choice for the hot-n-loaded set

You never know…