
The MIR iPhone App is released!

Woo. Nice one Pavel.

I got a note in from Pavel, our iPhone app developer, telling me that the Mobile Industry Review app has finally gone live on the iTunes Application Store.

I did a quick search — as I have been doing now and again — and today found this in the results:

Get IN!

I’m going to download it in a minute. Here’s what it looks like:

Now don’t expect an all-singing-all-dancing experience. I wanted the first version just to be a basic newsfeed. And then I wanted to garner ideas and suggestions and then launch the next version. It would, for example, be rather cool if you could submit comments, or vote or … see how many MIR readers are in your area. Heh.

When time permits, download it and have a play. You can get to the MIR App page here.