
The MIR London Mobile Mixer is next week - are you coming?

I think it’s high time we all met up and had a drink together.

So if you’re in London — or you can get to London next week, I’d like to extend an invitation to join me and an array of other mobile industry executives, geeks and fanatics.

If you’d like to come along, I setup a Facebook event here, feel free to add yourself to the guest list and suggest to others who you think should come along.

There are no invitation limitations — provided you work in or around the mobile industry.

(If you don’t have any interest whatsoever in mobile, you could find yourself highly bored in seconds whilst the rest of the attendees fawn over the latest Samsung or HTC Hero.)

Previous Unlimited Drinks events were 150-200 people affairs and would cost me somewhere shy of £6,000. And whilst I like to give back, my CEO (i.e. my wife) is heavily leaning toward buying stuff for the house vs buying the MIR readers cocktails. To this end, The MIR London Mobile Mixer is a buy-your-own drink/food concept.

Come along, meet me and some of the brightest mobile executives and entrepreneurs on the planet and do some networking.

The Date:
Wednesday 12th August

The Time:

The Venue
Charlotte Street Blues Bar
74 Charlotte Street

Google Maps link:
My expectations
I’d like to meet you and find out what you’re doing. And if appropriate, use our meeting as a springboard to then write a post or two about your company/product/service. Or you, personally. So if you’ve got a pitch, bring it on.

In terms of attendees I’m thinking low numbers. 10, 20, maybe more? Relaxed. Please do add yourself to the Facebook Event though, if you’re planning on coming along.

Your expectations
Expect to talk a bit of business. Bring some cards, bring some demos. MIR readers absolutely love the words, ‘Well, actually, I’ve got a demo I could show you,’ when accompanied with the speaker padding pockets hunting for a bit of technology to show off.

I’d welcome your perspective on whether I bring the camera and do some recording of people for the site. What do you reckon?

Free handsets!
To this day I still haven’t convinced Vodafone to give me a free handset for every attendee. Although, you never know, THIS could be the day! For one of the last London Unlimited Drinks I called up ‘some people’ there and explained that the cream of London’s mobile generation were gathering in one place — and that Vodafone should do some good marketing with them — in the form of new handsets. I was rather excited to find that they liked the idea. I’ll see what we can do for the next event.

Anyway if you can make it next week, it’ll be good to see you.