
The moment I dumped T-Mobile for 3UK

Collectively, I think I pay T-Mobile about 300 quid a month via two accounts. I have been really content with their Flext price plans and, of course, their data services — particularly since they lead the market with the Web’N’Walk plans for quite a while.

A while ago, I wrote that all of a sudden, I couldn’t use Agile Mobile, my instant messanger service, on my Nokia E61i. It just stopped working. Nothing would work.

I theorised that this could be due to T-Mobile actually implementing their ban on instant messaging via their standard Web’N’Walk plans. Fair enough. They did give enough notice. IM is meant to be canibalising their text revenues — or so many misguided operators believe. So I upgraded. I upgraded to the £12.50 per month Web’N’Walk that allows you to use instant messaging.



It was still screwed. Still didn’t work. So last night I took my 3UK sim from my E65 and installed it into the E61i and tried Agile Mobile. Woosh. It worked right away. No limitations.

That’s when I dumped T-Mobile. I do need a data connection. A proper data connection. I don’t need arsing around. I was happy to pay more — but it DIDN’T work when I did, so screw that, with bells on.

I’ve still got two accounts with them, but I will now decomission them. I’ll pay off the contracts. I’m now 3UK. Just need to figure out my transition strategy.