
The most inconsiderate neighbour

What a morning. A total arse of a morning, screwed by my new neighbour.

The BT engineer arrived to check the phone and internet connection. He recognised a fault that needed to be sorted at the junction box. It’d take two seconds to fix. He popped down to the basement flat to sort it (I am living in an old place – all the connections come in to that basementt flat.)

The lady inside the flat refused to open the door. Then refused to answer the BT chap’s questions. Then said the junction box wasn’t in her place. Very strange.

The engineer tried another option to no avail. He needed access to the box in this woman’s place.

She appeared in the main lobby to pick up her post and I introduced myself.

‘No,’ she said immediately, ‘You can’t come in, SECURITY!’

‘Sorry?’ I asked, not believing this lady.

‘You can’t be too careful. Security. You will need to speak to my husband when he gets home.’

We then did a rigmarole of bollocks. What time does your husband get home. Why can’t the BT guy, WITH ID, just pop in now. Can I phone your husband for permission. Blah blah blah.

Absolute rubbish. Absolutely ridiculous. She denied entry, citing security issues.

I turned to the engineer and shrugged. Kept my temper. What can you do?

Get Virgin Media.

There was an NTL box by the door that looked half decent, so I phoned up Virgin Media and I get my internet connection in .. 2 weeks.
