
The name's Bond, the number's 07900 007007

I had a note in over the weekend from Dr Adam Beaumont — top chap at mobile messaging specialists, AQL.

The good Doctor was telling me that, this being Bond week (with the launch of Quantum of Solace), numbers ending in 007 are flying off the virtual AQL shelves.

I’ve been hunting through their number ranges to try and find a decent one. At six quid a quarter, it’s a pretty nifty deal.

And if you’d like to filter the 007 numbers, use this link.

I scrolled about a bit and finally selected the Chelmsford prefix (01245) and found 01245 332 007. They call him MacLeod! Ewan MacLeod!

The cool news? You can use AQL’s numbers to send/receive text messages and run VoIP, call forwarding or fax services from them.

And on a related note:

AQL are also continued sponsors of Mobile Industry Review — you’ll have been seeing their ads around the site:

Thank you to Adam and the team for their support.