
The Nokia Store - a readers experience

Yesterday Ewan blogged about the E61i, and how he was contemplating getting one offline from the Nokia Store for the bargain (!) price of £299.

SMS Text News reader Robert Gale dropped us a line, with his experiences of using the store.

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At the time that I bought mine, I think the Nokia Store was the only place to buy an E61i and appeared to be far cheaper than the pre-order prices on other sites. I placed my order online at 9am, received a confirmation call around lunchtime and then the phone was delivered the next morning.

When they call they check a ton of information such as what was ordered, the email and phone number used, the delivery option and the type of card used. It was reassuring that they took the time to check out the details.

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Thanks Robert! You can check out his blog – A Welsh View – at