
The Nokia Tube: OK. But not in the same ballpark as the iPhone

I was having a chat with a chap from a UK mobile operator yesterday.

He was telling me that his people have been playing with an advance version of the Nokia Tube — their answer to the iPhone. And they’re not that impressed. It works. Touch screen. Nice. But nothing as inspiring or as exciting as the iPhone.

I have big hopes for the Tube. I also have insured against severe disappointment by declaring that I’ll eat my hat if the Tube is an iPhone killer.

So we shall see. Ideally what you want is these kind of people exclaiming in hushed tones that the Tube is a piece of genius, or something like that. And they’re not. So what should I make of that?

Well, apart from partially confirming my suspicions, I think we probably have to wait and see.

Prepare to be underwhelmed.

And if it’s actually any good, we can be pleasurably surprised and excited.