
The Poppy Appeal moblog

I very much respect the quiet dignity of the old chap in his uniform standing outside Waitrose in the local High Street selling poppies to raise money for the Royal British Legion and to remember all those lost in the war(s).

I always try and drop off a few quid at least.

The chaps at Moblog have come up with a nifty new service. I’ll let Alfie explain:

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Hi Ewan,

just to keep you up to speed on the shenanigans over at Moblog, I thought I’d let you know about a Moblog we’re doing for this years Poppy Appeal. It’s from the POV of their Poppy Man mascot, essentially in the form of updates as he travels around the country promoting the Poppy Appeal. As well as his own posts, we’ve opened the moblog up for people to post images of poppy related things they are doing.

All they need to do is to take a pic of themselves wearing your poppy (sure everyone has one by now right?) and text it to the blog, with a short message of support for the campaign (or anything they like). MMS to 07786201241 starting with the word popm or email to poppy_man at and their post will show up at straight away.

Talk soon!


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Thanks for the update Alfie — excellent concept. There’s donation information for the Royal British Legion here.

PS: If I’m not very much mistaken you can see a rather tired looking James Whatley of SpinVox participating in the Moblog here.
