
The real mobile network: Flying to Barcelona

One of the interesting and reasonably exciting elements about heading to Mobile World Congress is the fact that I seem to know most of the passengers. This doesn’t happen when I head off to CTIA Las Vegas but it’s almost always a guarantee I will know someone on-board when flying to an event in Europe.

Case in point today? At check-in, I bumped into Ed from mobile ticketing geniuses, Masabi. Sitting waiting to board, I met Patrick Parodi, formely top dude at the Mobile Entertainment Forum and now serious involved in the mobile application space. He introduced me to his colleague (‘the most connected mobile guy in India’) before they both were called forward to board.

As I stood in the queue I gradually became aware of a lady, already boarding the waiting transport bus, waving at me in the distance. It was Candace Locklear, of Spark PR, one of the industry’s public relations giants. I walked over and quickly said hi. She’d just flown in from San Francisco and was looking refreshed and full of energy.

“What are you doing this evening?” She asked. “Sleeping, alas…” I replied. She wasn’t impressed. Candace has the energy of 12 bulls. Me? I’m still recovering from the two week on-the-road jet-lag-galore trip to the States.

That said, though, the networking opportunities on a simple flight to Barcelona are substantial. If you’re flying out next year, make sure to remember your business cards.

Now time to fly…

Posted via email from MIR Live