
The Register slates Yahoo Go!

Link: Yahoo! Go? Yahoo! No! | The Register.

I’ve been testing Yahoo!’s Go! software for mobile phones for six weeks now, and it’s the most presumptuous and irritating piece of software I’ve ever used. I value some of Yahoo!’s services, and I’m more forgiving of my phone’s idiosyncrasies than most people. But Yahoo! Go is a poster child for what happens when scientists or technologists lose sight of the needs of ordinary people.

This is a super review by The Register’s Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco.   I mention San Francisco as I have tried using Yahoo Go! in London to no avail.  I think it’s a misconfiguration in the handset.

Andrew does, I believe, give a fair and comprehensive overview but ends up predictably disappointed.

I had very high hopes for the service — but based on what I’ve been able to experience and infer it just doesn’t deliver.  Goodness knows what normal non-geek consumers will do when confronted with it?