
The Sony Ericsson W950

Link: New Sony Ericson 3G Walkman Mobile Phone.

A major addition to Sony Ericsson’s family of Walkman phones is announced today. The W950 is an ultra-slim, ultra-stylish, UMTS-enabled device with 4GB of onboard storage complete with touch screen for simple navigation through music genres, playlists, individual songs or music albums.

They’re really innovating quickly aren’t they?  The first lot of music phones were quite challenged.  But, you know, 4gb on-board is very useful.  Unfortunately you’ll no doubt have to faff about with Sony’s ridiculous music software.  I will need to get hold of one and see if they’ve sorted it out.  The last time I looked it was with their NetMD and that music studio nonsense that has to convert all your MP3s to AACs.  So I do admit I’m slightly outdated here. 

Getting music into the W950 is fast and simple and can be done in a number of ways. The supplied Disc2Phone music management software is an intuitive package that handles transfer to the phone of music stored in the user’s PC. UMTS capability also makes the W950 ready for fast direct-to-phone transfers from available operators’ download services.

I am suspect.  Really suspect, just because they totally screwed about with my expectations when I bought the NetMD and various other music related devices that didn’t work as they should have done.

I want them to succeed though!  I hope ‘Disc2Phone’ is useful and works well.

Though, for a converted iTunes user, what’s the way ahead?