
The Symbian Countdown: 108 hours to go...

The Twittersphere is buzzing with news about the Symbian Countdown.

‘What is that?’ I hear you ask.

Well, nobody quite knows.

The Symbian Twitter account simply announced this about an hour ago:

#symbiancountdown 108

We are thus led to assume that in 108 hours (presumably!) there will be an announcement.

There’s a heck of a lot of speculation being discussed across the social networks as to what precisely the announcement might be. I particularly liked GerryMoth’s tweet including a mobypicture speculating that in 108 hours, Jack Bauer is back…

Here’s the photo he knocked up:


I don’t think Symbian have done a deal with Jack Bauer, although I could imagine that Bauer himself would demand the reliability of a Symbian-based handset.

We shall see. 108 hours is approximately 4.5 days. Which puts an announcement on Saturday afternoon.

We are assuming that the countdown is leading *to* something — an announcement, a launch, a deal…

It could well be 108 days. Which, er.. is about 3.6 months away. Or it could be 108 minutes.

We shall see.