
The Tuttle Club

I popped down to the Coach and Horses Pub in Greek Street, Soho, this morning, at the behest of SMS Text News contributor, James Whatley.

“Come down to the Tuttle Club,” he texted me, “It’s great, lots of cool people.”

Whilst it’s not a mobile event per se, I thought I’d give it a go. I connected with founder, Lloyd Davis, to find out more.

“The Tuttle Club,” he tells me, “Is a loose association of people finding a way of working better together both online and offline. It’s friendly, relaxed, and we’re here every week!”

That it is, I thought, as Helen Keegan of Beep Marketing arrived, beaming. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her in the flesh!

The focus of the weekly event is social media. Davis himself is a consultant helping clients use an array of social media and, as I glanced around the room, there are laptops galore, and, right next to me, there are two uber-net-connected twentysomethings next to me doing a Skype conference with a friend on their laptop.

I’ll be back here next week — why don’t you come down and meet me?