
The Twitter Phones are here: INQ Chat & INQ Mini

Look at these latest gorgeous devices to come flying out of INQ headquarters.

The Guardian got the news up and out just past midnight Tuesday:

The two new phones from INQ, set up by Hutchison Whampoa, the Hong Kong-based owner of mobile network 3, both have Twitter built-in, meaning that users do not have to send or receive texts in order to keep up with the micro-blogging site, instead once they have logged-on it is ‘always on’ in the background, using the phone’s data connection. On the INQ Chat, Twitter updates appear directly on its home screen.

Both phones also operate as HSDPA modems, meaning they can be plugged into a PC or Mac for mobile internet access. The INQ Chat has a 3.2 megapixel camera while the INQ Mini has a 2 megapixel camera. Both can support up to 8GB of memory although it will be up to the operator shipping the phones to decide what size memory cards to include.

We’ll have more news from INQ soon. We should hopefully see the devices hit the market around Christmas time.