
There's an app for that! Dildroid tops 10k downloads

A departure from rants and raves this morning here on Mobile Industry Review. It’s time to address matters of the heart.

Or matters semi-relating to that.

First, a bit of background.

Kevin Neely is one of the power Nokia users of the Bay Area. I’ve been bumping into him at events around the city of San Francisco for quite some time — and you’ll shortly be seeing him in some Mobile Developer TV episodes soon.

Kevin and I were having a speculative chat on Twitter — I’m not sure how we got there — but it was relating to the use of mobile handsets for pleasure’s sake. Purely speculative. I remember posing this question to Kevin and my Twitter followers:

@ktneely has anyone build a dildroid App? That vibrates specifically for ‘a lady’?

I reasoned that somebody, somewhere, must have given it a go.

Well, it seems that there is very much indeed an app for that, as Kevin discovered with his follow-up Tweet:

@Ew4n Oh yes! I can’t make this stuff up: “deliver[s] a nice, gentle massage to the user” In the Android marketplace

That link redirects to the website of mobile developer, Mobidroid who, as their name suggests, develop for the Android platform.

Some time ago they came up with the concept of Dildo + Android and created Dildroid.

I kid ye not.

What is Dildroid?

Well I’m glad you asked. Dildroid, Is a FREE multi-speed vibrator system for the Google Android OS Phone/Device.

The editorial on the Dildroid page explains the Mobidroid team’s shock and delight at the popularity of their app:

Probably the most advance technology in the field of personal discreet and hypersubtle massage system you have seen so far. Dildroid deliver nice and gentle massage to the user. You can also share the joy by sending a massage of your choice by dildro-sms.

“It’s amazing what 2 days of R&D can do for a product!” Said the Dildroid creator interviewed by himself. “I never tough someone would actually download it, and now it’s more than 10 000 download in three weeks!” he added just before resuming a article about Dildroid for

You want to know all about the features, right?

* Variable speed – Allow user to pick vibration speed by erecting the head of our Andy buddy.
* Dildro-SMS – Allow user to send SMS to contact list (both user need to have dildroid installed in order fully work)
* Frigid Mode – Block Dildro-sms when you don’t feel vibrant and remove it when you feel horny
* Low battery warning, don’t miss ou wonderfull low battery warning!

I now have some screenshots to share with you:

I am also delighted to be able to bring you a video featuring Dildroid in action:

You can find Dildroid in your Android Market. And remember, if you like the application, be sure to donate (“and receive infinite love”) to the developers.