
THIS is why Twitter rocks -- direct connectivity to developers

Here’s a note from regular MIR reader, Simon Maddox.

It’s one for the ‘why does Twitter *actually* rock’ pile…

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Hey Ewan,

Think I’ve found one of the best reasons why Twitter rocks. I tweeted this earlier:

Dear GitX: if I click “delete branch”, I’d like to confirm that before it actually happens.

Oh no! I just deleted a whole load of code!!

*GitX is a frontend to the version control system, Git, by the way.)

A couple of hours later, I received this tweet from the creator of GitX:

@simonmaddox sorry about the GitX branch deletion. You can try git-resurrect ( to resurrect the old branch

While I’d already realised that Time Machine is awesome, it’s great to see that you can have direct access to the developers of whatever software you use, without looking like a tool on a random forum or IRC channel.. 🙂


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Couldn’t agree more Simon. What a brilliant example of the power and usefulness of Twitter. Thanks for sending this!

If you’ve got examples similar to Simon’s experience, send them in to me.