
This piece of sex just arrived

nokia n95 8gb

It’s not often that I’d describe a mobile handset as ‘a piece of sex’ — indeed, it’s probably a silly thing to do in the heat of the moment. Reading through some parts of the SMS Text News Annual 2007, I sometimes have to quickly flick a page out of embarrassment (especially when I’m sounding off about some issue or other).

This evening I took delivery of a new Nokia N95 8GB.

I’ve got a history of going-off-on-one about Nokia. I sometimes get a bit despondent when it comes to their (apparent) lack of innovation. That viewpoint is, of course, entirely subjective. I am annoyed, for example, that my mother was able to pick up an iPhone and start using it immediately — and that we didn’t even THINK about giving her a Nokia. It would have been lost on her. However, the company continues to hoover up market share, particularly in the newer markets around the world.

The N95 8GB is a joy. It’s what the N95 should have been. Better, faster and… yes… very, very sexy. (The N96 looks even better.)

I’m off to go and load it up with applications and play.