
Today is quite possibly the worst day to announce a deal with SpinVox

At 4:56pm London time I got a press release in from the generically nice chaps at Ipadio.

I say ‘generically’ because I don’t know them, but I do feel for them. Ipadio are described as ‘Ipadio, the company that allows anyone to use any phone to speak live to the web’.

I think that’s pretty neat. Let’s give it a go.

(Turns out the embed doesn’t work so here’s the link)

Very smart. I’ve seen similar systems to Ipadio — that said, I’m very impressed with the speed and simplicity of the system.

I think it’s a total shame that they’ve wedded themselves to SpinVox … what a bad day to publish the announcement. I wonder if this was rushed out by SpinVox PR to try and detract from the ongoing debacle.

To the chaps at Ipadio: Good work, that’s a rather smart service that I’d consider using.

Here then is the full press release including the rather alarming and semi-laughable SpinVox chest-banging statements:

Ipadio, the company that allows anyone to use any phone to speak live to the web, and Spinvox, the global leader in voice to content messaging, have announced SpinVox first Android application – which will generate discoverable and searchable text direct from an ipadio call.

Ipadio’s Android application uses SpinVox to generate the text for the titles, tags and a transcript to sit alongside the audio broadcast. Users can also choose to integrate the service with their other social media accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, Blogger and others.

“Ipadio has grasped the opportunity to work with SpinVox API, producing the first app to use our voice-to-text capabilities on Android. The desire to get converted phone blogs onto the Internet quickly and easily has been growing for a while now. Together, we’re helping people bypass their mobile keyboard and communicate in the moment by using their voice. By automatically converting their voice-to-text, SpinVox then helps that content be quickly and easily searched, filed, or forwarded,” said Christina Domecq, co-founder and CEO, SpinVox.

Dr Mark K Smith, ipadio CEO, explains, “With the new application, people will be able to call ipadio whilst on the road and see the converted text appear in search results before getting back to the office. Voice-to-text conversion has been top of the list of requirements for our serious business users, so we are delighted to announce this development. In addition to the Android application, we are working on other applications and, of course, on making SpinVox conversion available to people using our live service from any phone.”

Ipadio LIVE! remains accessible to any user on any phone to broadcast live to the Internet.

Ipadio’s commercial service introduces workflow process (moderation, group access and distribution, save to database), additional in-call functionality (in-call polling, “call push”) to meet each company’s exact requirement. SpinVox conversion will become an integral part of that service.

Since its first live use during a yacht race from the mid-Atlantic in November 2008, ipadio has pioneered the live audio-to-web market. Its ease-of-use and responsiveness to users has found favour with organisations and individuals as diverse as government, media companies, sports championships, travel companies, tourist boards, charity campaigners and fundraisers, bloggers and comedians.

I can’t read a SpinVox statement (“the SpinVox API”) without thinking about legions of very nice people in call centres around the planet.