
My Top 7 Apps: Chris Vassilopoulos of G3 Partners

Chris Vassilopoulos G3 Partners

Back with another Top 7 apps list. This week we have Chris Vassilopoulos of G3 Partners.

“My names Chris and I’m an Australian working in Seoul, South Korea at a marketing/hr agency G3 Partners. I also run a small apparel brand online so the apps here are the apps I use for marketing”

G3 Partners is one of Asia’s first startup-focused PR and Communications agency. They provide a full suite of global services for startups expanding overseas and raising investment internationally.

Let’s have a look through his list.

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Chris Vassilopoulos G3 PartnersInstagram: Instagram’s recent changes have been big for the platform. The snapchat-like stories and recent updates have added tagging and ‘boomerang’ to stories which gives users a chance to directly link to profiles. Instagram is changing and is going to quickly become an (even more) powerful marketing platform. Follow mine here

VSCO Cam: VSCO, much like Instagram is a very big and powerful photo editing platform. VSCO is my go-to after exporting my photos from Lightroom. I was happy to put in the $10 for their ‘best of’ filters because they’re very distinct and well put together. Instagram is a very tough market to break into. Having a consistent and unique feed isn’t easy, but VSCO cam, to me, is integral when maintaining a level of consistency across my posts.

Sunshine: Getting a bunch of photos/videos from my PC to mobile has never been easy. I was annoyed with the slow speeds of google drive and have been using a PLEX alternative app called ‘Sunshine’ to manage my photos. To make Sunshine work, I point the PC App to where my photos are exported from Lightroom and I can instantly browse the files on my PC. I can also stream video from my PC to mobile really easily which saves a lot of space on my phone.

Kakao Talk: Before coming to Korea, I had no idea what this app was. Kakao talk has since become the best messaging app I have ever used. This Korean made giant connects well over 90% of South Kore. I’ve even started buying emojis to spam my friends with. KakoTalk has all the features you didn’t know you needed like, location pin sharing, send friends gift coupons, live video and integrated games.

Podcast Addict: I’ve been big on Podcasts since 2004-2005. I always loved the IOS app, but since switching to android (6 years ago) I’ve always struggled to find an app that I’m happy with. PA is a fine substitute for ‘Podcasts’ on iOS. It has all the timers and streaming options that you’re looking for and best of all is free!

Shopify: I recently moved from a Square Space account to Shopify. I’ve been very happy with the level of service and ease of use that has come with migrating to Shopify. It lets me know all about my sales, traffic and orders all through a very simple and clean interface. Highly recommended if you’re looking for a quick and easy storefront and app.

AbyssRium: Man, is this game pretty. I’ve got a big soft spot for marine life and ‘clicker’ games. AbyssRium is a very satisfying game where you slowly build up coral and exotic fish species in a virtual ocean. It’s a good time waster when you’re commuting or want to relax for a moment. They’re constantly updating the fish and coral in the game so even if you’re like me and have ‘finished’ it, there is always more content on the way.

Naver Map: Also unknown to me before coming to Korea was that Google services are usually outclassed by Korean copies. Naver is Korea’s Google and is everyone’s first choice when doing anything on the internet. Naver maps have incredibly detailed information in their map services. Using the ‘directions mode’ also takes into account Korea’s plethora of public transport options.

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Thanks to Chris for his list, I am loving the sound of AbyssRium!

You can find out more about G3 Partners on their website.

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.