
My Top 7 Apps: Elly Woolston of Indicia

My Top 7 Apps: Elly Woolston of Indicia

I’m delighted to have received a great Top 7 Apps submission from Elly Woolston, Chief Client Officer at Indicia. Here’s a quick overview from their website:

Indicia is a leading customer engagement agency. We develop and deliver marketing communications that bring a brand and individual closer through engendering involvement, interaction, purchase and advocacy. We then connect people with brands at an emotional level, through providing a relevant, rewarding and consistent experience across all channels. We embrace the challenge of creating powerful brand-building ideas that drive value from every customer touch point. We are digital, data, direct and social.

Elly uses a iPhone and mini iPad so let’s get on to her Top 7 Apps…

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Here she is… Elly Woolston

Spotify: This is my favourite assault of the senses. The opportunity to chill out by accessing my favourite music from my iPad. Using my Jam-plus speaker connected to Bluetooth makes it even better.

Pinterest: As I spend so much time travelling I find switching from writing and reading to choosing visual images that are creatively stimulating very inspiring. My Pinterest boards are my own secret kaleidoscope of ideas and dreams.

Yo Sushi!: As a foodie I like a few restaurant and food apps in my repertoire. The Yo Sushi app is kawaai, fun and informative.

Clean and Green Eating: This is just what is says in the title and has inspiring recipes I can plan for my supper.

Yahoo! weather: As an outdoor girl and from farming country I like to know the weather at home and at my dream locations.

TED: Mind expanding debates by amazing people. Topics that help me question and challenge the status quo.

Hyperlapse: I love it. It is new, fun and reflects how we can allow ourselves to live today unless we take a sense check – speedy and mad!!

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Thanks Elly for your contribution and I have seen some great stuff with Hyperlapse already, so it is definitely one for me to investigate more.

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.