My Top 7 Apps: Leigh Middleton from Cura TV

We are back with another Top 7 apps submission. Today we have Leigh Middleton, CEO at Cura TV.
Cura TV is a video-based mobile marketplace that provides a tailored and immersive shopping experience, on-demand. The platform allows vendors to easily shoot videos, tell engaging stories about their products and sell directly to consumers, all from directly within the app. We also enable simple and secure payment and nationwide delivery.
Leigh uses the iPhone 5s. Let’s get on with the list…
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Cura TV: We officially launched our mobile app in July and I am really proud of it. The app allows users to watch short videos, discover unique products and buy simply and securely, all from their phone.
Twitter: This is my go-to app for staying up to date on everything from food events to music to football. It is also a great way to stay in touch with the Cura TV community and make connections with liked-minded people.
VSCO: I have tried loads of different photo apps and VSCO’s beautiful stock filters and curatorial approach make it really stand out from the others.
The Guardian: This is my main source of keeping on top of news and an integral part of my daily routine.
Nike+ Running: I don’t run nearly as much as I would like to, but this app is great for tracking my progress when I do and helping me to stay motivated.
Headspace: Running a startup can get pretty hectic and finding the time to take just 10 minutes out of my day to take a step back and reflect is really important.
Uber – A lot of my time is spent out of the office going to meetings and Uber means I can minimise travel time while using it to catch up on emails and make calls. No more trying to hail down a cab either!
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Thanks to Leigh for this list. I found Headspace a couple of months ago, it’s part of my daily routine now. Definitely can recommend that one too!
If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.