
My Top 7 Apps: Neil Robertson of FieldHouse Associates

I’m delighted to have received an in-depth Top 7 Apps submission from Neil Robertson, Senior Associate at top boutique PR firm FieldHouse Associates. Here’s a quick overview from their website:

FieldHouse Associates was founded to service the technology, enterprise and investment ecosystem. This is PR with a business edge. We take media relations, copy writing, speaking opportunities and the rest of public relations for granted. We focus on communications strategy – where a company is, where it needs to be and what can be done to get it there. What’s seriously going to hit the bottom line? That’s what’s interesting and that’s what will make an impact. That’s why PR is important.

Neil uses an HTC One (M7) and didn’t want to include the usual suspects on his list (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Maps and Google Chrome). I think that’s fair. Instead he’s focused on his other critical apps.

Right then, let’s have a look…

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The man himself
The man himself, Neil Robertson
CityMapper: Essential for getting about town, finding the quickest and most cost effective ways to travel. Also with live travel updates detailing disruptions, it takes the guesswork out of getting around London.

Spotify: All my music, anywhere I want. Have been a Spotify user for years and it’s something I use everyday when commuting. This along with Google Music offering 20,000 songs uploads for free it means that iTunes is obsolete for me now. [Me too — Ewan]

PayPal: With a wedding just around the corner, my PayPal use recently has been prolific. PayPal has made a big consumer push over the last couple of years and it’s still the easiest way for me to transfer money to people.

Amazon: You can pretty much get anything from Amazon and delivered within 24hours and now in London, even on a Sunday! As an Amazon Prime member there’s so much content Amazon throw at you including unlimited Kindle book rental, Amazon Instant Video and hopefully Amazon Music hitting the UK shores soon as part of the Prime deal. Again with a wedding around the corner the Amazon app has been one of my most used.

Evernote: Because I tend to take a lot of notes when out and about, even photos and audio notes, Evernote is something that’s become an essential part of my daily work. Regardless of whatever device I’m using, everything I’m doing is stored on Evernote. Be that taking notes in a meeting, taking a photo of wine I like, making a shopping list (especially helpful when planning a wedding). Essential.

Pushbullet: Tim Cook talked about iOS8 and ‘Continuity functionality’ that will enable iPhones, iPads and Macs to talk to each other so that you’ll be able to see who’s calling you just by looking at your laptop screen. While Apple users all wait for that, Pushbullet has been doing all of this already. Seeing as my work revolves around communication, and being glued to my laptop, I can immediately see if it’s a nuisance call and take the appropriate action. Pushbullet mirrors a whole heap of communications to whatever screen you want. Got something on your phone you want on your laptop? Use Pushbullet to send it there.

Swarm/Foursquare: With the update and the separation of check-ins, Foursquare got a whole lot more useful. Mayorships have gone which is a good thing, Swarm handles all the check-in stuff where as Foursquare is now purely about discovery and action. Similar to the old Foursquare you can see what tips have been left by other people but the new app is a lot smarter, tagging food, generating expertise and learning exactly the sort of things you like so it can make useful, relevant recommendations.

Honourable mentions: 

ZipCar: I don’t own a car, so whenever I need a car to get somewhere or do something, I use ZipCar and have done for the last four or so years.

Uber: Fantastic driver service, always a driver in the area, love it (use uberNeilR for £10 off your first ride ;-))

SquareSpace: editing the FieldHouse website and blog on the move.

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You can find Neil on Twitter here. Thanks Neil for this comprehensive list! Pushbullet was new to me so I’m off to check that out. (Incidentally Neil, huge congratulations for your upcoming wedding this week!)

If you’d like to send us the list of Apps you find most useful, or you represent an executive that might like to get involved, then why not drop me a line at I’d love to hear from you!