
My Top 7 Apps: Nick Gibson of Tiger Mobiles

My Top 7 Apps: Nick Gibson of Tiger Mobiles

Our very first Top 7 Apps post comes from Nick Gibson, Managing Director of Tiger Mobiles, a mobile phone comparison site. Nick’s role is to oversee day to day running of the company as well as playing a key role in marketing and understanding customers’ shopping behaviour to help them make better buying decisions.

Nick’s primary handset: Google’s LG Nexus 7

Now let’s get into his top 7 apps….

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Trello: Helps me stay in sync with the team, we use it internally as a business for workflow and the app lets me check up on things if I’m out of the office or at home looking at tomorrow’s agenda.

IFTTT: Anything that can automate simple processes is extremely useful and that’s what IFTTT does. I personally use it to keep track of some stock prices (it sends me a notification if it drops above or below a certain price) and also to auto send certain emails into a Google drive spreadsheet. You can literally automate anything with it though even boiling the kettle for a cup of tea from another room.

Clean Master: I like keeping my device free from junk files and flushing apps that are hogging the memory. It just keeps it running that bit smoother and also lets you remove apps that you’re hardly using.

Wunderlist: Alongside a work based to do list / workflow system I use Wunderlist for personal tasks and projects. I like it because it’s very simple in design, works well on all devices and has been really well thought out. It’s basically just a to do list with a couple of nice features and a very slick interface.

Buffer: I’m quite active on social media and I have access to all the company profiles too so it’s important I have something where I can share things seamlessly across Facebook & Twitter, as well as schedule posts when I need to. Buffer has those options as well as some inbuilt analytics for tracking shares & clicks.

Lastpass: I have a LOT of login / passwords and I try to use as many unique combinations as possible just for security. Remembering them all is a tough ask so Lastpass is ideal if I need to login into something on the go as it stores them all securely

eBay: I sell games, electronics etc on eBay that I’m no longer using and the eBay app keeps me informed if my items have bids on or have sold. It’s useful for marking items as dispatched as soon as you’ve posted them and just makes the selling process that bit slicker.

Nick also had the following honourable mentions:

Blockchain: I’m heavily into crypto currencies like bitcoin and I use the blockchain app as my bitcoin wallet to store a couple of coins so I can spend them easily or move them elsewhere quickly.

Google Authenticator: Online security is a big deal and I try to enable Two Factor authentication wherever possible. The Google authenticator app makes that pretty easy and I prefer it to receiving an SMS code as it’s easier and doesn’t clog up my inbox.

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Thank you very much Nick!

If you’d like to submit your Top 7 Apps, drop me a note and we’ll sort that out — And if you are a PR manager representing an executive who might like to participate we’d similarly love to hear from you.