
My Top 7 Apps: Ojas Rege, VP of Strategy, MobileIron

My Top 7 Apps: Ojas Rege, VP of Strategy, MobileIron

As the VP of Strategy at MobileIron, we were really keen to read Ojas Rege’s Top 7 Apps. MobileIron provides the foundation for companies around the world to transform into Mobile First organisations, we were sure he’d have a great list.

Ojas currently uses both an iPhone 5S and Nokia Lumia 925. (We’ve provided links to both the Android and iPhone versions for his chosen apps… We’ll need to see if we can extend this to Windows Phone soon).

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Ojas’ Top 7 Apps

Amazon (Android and iTunes): My bank account would LOVE if this app wasn’t in my top 7 but unfortunately I am addicted to one-click ordering.

Facebook (Android and iTunes): Yeah, not original but it is my only connection to so many people I care about but don’t get to spend time with in person.

Fandango (Android and iTunes): I’ve got a teenager who loves movies and he’s got a dad who loves to take him to see them!

Flickr (Android and iTunes): My family’s entire life over the last 10 years in captured in this app.

Pandora (Android and iTunes): I love my three custom stations, developed specifically for my variant moods: Classic, Heavy, and Really F’ing Heavy.

Slideshark (iTunes): We should all be doing presentations from our mobile devices! Plus sharks are cool.

Twitter (Android and iTunes): It’s how I keep up to date with everything happening in tech (@arstechnica), comics (@Marvel), and music (@Blabbermouthnet) and  it’s like having a constant stream of everything geeky I love getting directly piped into my brain.

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Thank you Ojas!

If you’d like to get your top apps published why not drop me a note to

Likewise if you represent an executive who might like get involved we’d love to hear from you too.