
My Top 7 Apps: Paul Prendergast of Inhance Technology

My Top 7 Apps: Paul Prendergast of Inhance Technology

I’m delighted to have received an in-depth Top 7 Apps submission from Paul Prendergast, CEO at Inhance Technology. Here’s a quick overview from their website:

Inhance Technology builds white label mobile security and service programmes for leading companies working in wireless retail, insurance and warranty, consumer electronics, trade-In, and affinity. Founded in Ireland in 2005, with sales and marketing hubs in the UK, the USA and China, it helps businesses become more profitable by ensuring their customers’ devices and content are secure, optimised for use, and when the time comes, ready for trade-in.

Paul uses the Samsung Galaxy S5 so let’s take a look through his Top 7 apps list…

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Yelp: When looking for a good pub or restaurant at the last minute in a new city, I like to use Yelp. Personally I find a lot of online review apps and websites need to be taken with a grain of salt these days. However for the most part I like to think Yelp is a reliable source of information. Like most people, I’m usually swayed by the number of positive reviews an establishment gets. Of course when it comes to it, it usually comes down to my own gut instinct.

Quip: Quip combines documents and messages into a single thread of updates. It’s useful when I’m on the move, because it allows me to make edits to the same version of a document that my team are working. I really like the collaborative nature of Quip and the simplicity of its design – it makes a big difference when you’re working with people in different countries and timezones. On the whole, I think it helps our global team work more efficiently.

Spotify: Instant access to countless different artists is the obvious draw for me. If I’m honest, I haven’t bought any music since I signed up over a year ago. I think the big selling point for Spotify is the offline music feature, which doesn’t eat up all of my data. However, I also like the intuitive way it helps me discover new music based on my current interests. I think it’s going to be interesting to see what the market throws up in the way of competition in the future.

Todoist: Todoist is a simple ‘To Do’ app that gives a high level overview of my tasks for the day ahead. What I like about Todist is that it gives me the information I want straight away, and then gets out of the way. Often I think a lot of these apps can focus too heavily on the UI or can be too constraining in how they want the user to use their product. I also use Google reminders throughout the day.

Feedly: Feedly is my own personal news feed. I like don’t like wasting time jumping from one webite to another to find the news I want. This RSS aggregator allows me to read all of my favourite business, tech and food articles, all in one place. Again it has a simple but clever design. I read the news I want before getting on with the day ahead.

Google Maps: I’m old enough to remember using oversized city maps (actually I’m still happy to use them from time to time). However Google Maps really makes travelling so much easier. I’ve debated with friends on the merits and drawbacks of using it on holiday – does it really take the fun out of exploring a new city? I say no … Get off the plane. Type in your hotel destination. Tap the quickest route to get there. Drop those heavy bags. Then let the real exploring happen.

Inhance Mobile: I’m probabaly biased here but I do I love the way this keeps my device and the content on it safe. It’s a white label app used by companies including Virgin Mobile, The Carphone Warehouse, Dixons, and Best Buy in the States. I think our add-on features such as CTX (quickly transfers mobile content between devices) and Inhance Trade-In (quickly determines an accurate valuation for used devices) helps Inhance Mobile stand out from the crowd.

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Thanks to Paul for his list and I have to agree about Spotify, interesting to see what competition it faces in the years ahead.

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.