
My Top 7 Apps: Paul Ravey of Access Records Management

For today’s top 7 apps list we are joined by Paul Ravey from Access Records Management.

Access Records Management provides archive storage, scanning and secure destruction services.

Let’s have a look through his list;

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Paul RaveyWaze: Driving is part and parcel of my job in sales, and as the saying goes “time is money”! There is nothing wrong with Google Maps, and I was happy using it, but the moment I had Waze recommended to me I realised what I had been missing; intuitive re-calculation of a journey, preceded by a route selection that is willing to make me boldly go where no man has gone before. Seriously, some of the back streets of London I have now seen! I can honestly say, having done a side-by-side comparison that Waze ALWAYS saves me time compared to Google Maps.

Keeper: I had a quick check before listing this, and there are 71 passwords in this app relating to both work and home. And all of them belong to systems and accounts that I would consider “live”, and DOESN’T include my bank passwords! We live life on line, but need a password to access it. Indispensable.

MAPS.ME: I know that I’m a skint-flint, but I do balk at data roaming charges when I’m abroad. Especially as I am on holiday to relax and sit on the beach, and not to have emails, breaking news stories and software updates thrust upon me all day. The only time I am ever desperate to have data access is when I’m exploring, so this app, which gives me turn-by-turn satnav-style instructions is a god send, and very very accurate. A must for any traveller, and the added bonus of being available in the UK even when my service provider isn’t playing the game!

Playlist Backup: I like listening to music, but only certain music that I keep organised in playlists. I’ve found many music apps lose playlists if the phone runs out of battery or is forced to reboot. Playlist backup keeps my music in the order I want it, and in seconds my precious catalogue can be restored.

Sudoku: I’m not into games, and certainly don’t have the time to wage World War 3 on my phone! But this is all about keeping the brain cells working. Crosswords are too random, and moving blocks and balls around just bores the pants off me. But with 4 levels of difficulty this app not only suits my timeframe (a short tube journey means the easy level, while a longer bus ride calls for extreme!), but also gives me the challenge when I need it. Hopefully I will still be playing it when I’m 100!

Convertpad: A simple app, but by far the best and most effective that I’ve found. All the usual suspects are listed (length, volume, weight etc) but to have such things as electric current, clothes sizes et al saves me having to do the whole “hi Google” thing. It’s one of those “I never knew I needed it until I had it” apps.

Citymapper: There are 3 mapping/satnav apps listed here, but in all honesty my mobile phone is most useful when I am precisely that…mobile! Unlike the millennials, for whom their phone is their life, mine is a more functional tool to enable me to enjoy life more, rather than miss it as I walk with my head bent forward. And that means getting from A to B as quickly as possible as B is where the fun is! I am constantly amazed when I meet people In London that DON’T have this app on their phone. The ability to have the entire (quickest) journey mapped out is a godsend and has undoubtedly saved me the grief and strain of actually figuring a journey out for myself.

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Thanks to Paul for his answers today. I like the sudoku option, I have a little notebook version but an app would be better!

You can find out more about Access Records Management on their website.

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.