
My Top 7 Apps: Waiman Lam of ZTE Corporation

For today’s Top 7 apps we have Waiman Lam from ZTE Corporation.

Waiman joined ZTE USA in November 2009 and now serves as the vice president of mobile device for ZTE Corporation, a global provider of mobile devices, telecommunication systems, and enterprise solutions. As a seasoned telecommunications industry veteran, Waiman has helped ZTE to continuously innovate and enrich its end-users mobile experience over the last 7 years. He also has a strong interest in tennis – though admits he shouldn’t give up his day job just yet.

Let’s have a look through his list;

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My Top 7 Apps: Waiman Lam of ZTE CorporationGoogle Chrome: Almost everything I do, be it for business or leisure, seems to eventually point me towards the internet. Google Chrome is always my browser of choice – it’s quick and reliable.

WeChat: As part of my global role at ZTE, I often find myself travelling and away from home. I use WeChat to keep in touch with colleagues, friends and family across the world. It helps me to stay connected and I can easily share photos and documents alongside the standard voice and text functionality.

LinkedIn: I use the LinkedIn app as my preferred social platform for staying connected within the business world. It’s a quick and easy way to share updates, whether it be news, blog posts or updates within the mobile industry.

Gmail: Keeping on top of email is an essential part of my daily routine, both professionally and personally. I also need to be able to check my emails from anywhere, at any time. Gmail is my preference because it enables you to integrate personal and professional email addresses into one single platform.

ESPN: I am a big fan of sports, particularly American sports and tennis. The ESPN app is ideal because my busy schedule means I rarely have time to watch sport on the TV. My smartphone has become my primary device for catching up on the sports highlights, especially if I’m travelling.

TuneIn Radio: Again, as I travel so frequently, I use TuneIn Radio to listen to the news or play music. As long as I have a solid internet connection, I have access to my favorite stations on the go.

YouTube: Seems like quite an obvious one, but like many others, YouTube is still my go to source for watching videos, both for business and for leisure.

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Thanks to Waiman for this list. I already use a fair few of these but WeChat is definitely one I’ll check out.

You can find out more about ZTE Corporation on their website.

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