
Trancending your mobile network

Alfies’ Blog » Blog Archive » Transcend your mobile network

I’ve been meaning to get together a list of the applications I use to help me get out of the money grabbing reaches of my network for a while now, and since it’s monday, and we all need a bit of cheering up on a monday, please read on dear reader.

Worth a read — I am willing to bet that you, dear reader, have something to contribute, on account of being an experienced mobile industry veteran?

I’m half attracted by the Orange ‘unlimited’ gprs deal… I do a lot of moblogging with my MDA on T-Mobile.  If I send one picture I’ve gone over my annoying data allowance for that day.  I sent about 15 pictures today so goodness knows what they’ve billed me.  However, a quid a day soon adds up to say £30 a month — at which point an ‘unlimited’ 3g card (or the sim card in the mobile) becomes tenable … it’s only £15 more at £45 per month.  That’s unlimited (fair use) and 3g speed…

I haven’t yet got hold of the Opera Mini browser but I’m off to do that.

And unfortunately I STILL haven’t been able to use Mobileglu OR BuddyPing because I’m on Three.  I almost impulse bought a Virgin Mobile Sony Ericsson today just so I could get access to proper services… although I wonder if they limit their internet access a la Three.

Anyway, I reckon Alfie should consider adding Jeff Jarvis’ SkypeIn redirect trick to his list.