Truphone -- the world's first 4g network operator
I found Truphone from yet another Craigslist job posting — they’re after a savvy marketer.
So, the world’s first 4g network operator, eh? Interesting stuff. They’re in beta at the moment. I signed up — but I don’t have the right Nokia (or Windows Mobile) handset to properly play yet. Although I’ve got a N70 somewhere gathering dust that I could probably resurrect.
You can register for the beta here. Here’s some text from their about page:
Truphone is helping to harness the wireless network that we have all built to provide a new type of mobile service. This will allow you to make free and very low-cost calls from Wi-Fi or Bluetooth enabled smart phones via the Internet.
Truphone will be available on as many phones as possible, including the new mass-market, Wi-Fi phones.
Truphone is a new type of mobile operator based upon software developed by Software Cellular Network (SCN Ltd.). It is funded by its employees, Business Angels and Venture Capital.