
Twilio: They've hired James Parton as European Marketing Director!

Many readers will be highly familiar with James Parton, formerly of Telefonica’s BlueVia developer programme.

James was instrumental in building huge awareness and credibility for the operator’s developer offering. Indeed you may remember him from some brilliantly direct videos we filmed interviewing James discussing BlueVia (here’s one of them).

The chances are that anyone involved in mobile development in the European market has either met James or been exposed to the marketing and influencer messaging that he devised.

Just recently, Twilio — the planet’s biggest and best cloud messaging company — announced that they’d hired James as their European Marketing Director. The moment I heard I thought, “Smart move” — both in terms of James and also in terms of the team at Twilio. (I recently interviewed their top man Jeff Lawson on video)

So congratulations James. I reckon you’ll love it. They’re a superb company.

And nice work Twilio! Snagging Mr Parton to expand your European footprint is a great move.

Twilio, if you haven’t come across it, is your one-stop-destination for telecoms-in-the-cloud. Or telecoms-by-API. I’ve programmed with their API myself and it’s simply brilliant. You can make your web (and mobile!) apps do almost anything with a telephone or an SMS. There are some superb examples of what’s possible on their solutions page with contributions from the likes of eBay, Airbnb, Intuit and Hulu.

[By the way, aside from his BlueVia/Twilio efforts, James has recently started along with partner-in-crime, Chris Book. I strongly recommend adding it into your video/podcast feeds. This post has a good background/intro.]