
TwitPub, the premium twitter publishing service, hits version 2.0

If you’ve got a feed of 140-character-friendly data that you’d like to monetise, take a look at TwitPub. It launched 2 months ago and it’s beginning to attract attention.

If, for example, you’d like to get daily Feng Shui tips from a master, or if you fancy daily reviews and perspective from an Anim guru, TwitPub is for you.

I really like the concept. Anyone can sign-up and begin retailing premium tweets. The question is whether the market is ready to accept and pay for 140-character updates.

In many cases, I think it could be a winner. For example if you’re trying to get fit, stay healthy or any kind of self improvement, I could see people signing up for a $9/month ‘bug me with updates’ or ‘encourage me with updates’ feed.

Indeed the more I think about TwitPub, I think they should zero in on self-help categories. I don’t necessarily see the value in paying for 140-character updates on subjects that I have a passing interest in.

For example, there’s a chap retailing the latest updates, tips, tricks and social media stuff for $1 monthly. Although the chap’s knocking out around 372 tweets a week, I feel I’m in that no-mans-land between thinking $1 is really… REALLY cheap (ergo, what’s the quality like?) and wondering whether or not my current social media knowledge needs to be augmented to the tune of $1/month.

But I can really imagine going to a local gym chain and ‘signing up’ for their 3-month improvement special plan. And I can imagine being offered premium encouragement/updates/tips as part of this deal for an extra $9/month. If the tweets are sent into my twitter feed at predefined intervals (e.g. before lunch/dinner) that could be rather valuable.

Another viewpoint: Pregnancy. I can imagine pregnant mothers (and fathers) signing up to one of those your-baby-is-the-size-of-a-peanut-today updates. Indeed you could sign up the whole family.

I’d also like to see examples of the kind of premium Twitter messages I’m buying as well.

I like the concept TwitPub. Good idea and good effort. I reckon focus it a lot more into the real pain-points where folk will really see value.

Check it out and sign-up at