
Twittering: 99% ego, 1% useful

I saw from one of Oli Barrett’s tweets that the delightful Bryony Gordon over at the Telegraph (always trusted upon to have a decent opinion) is seriously unimpressed with Twitter.

Have a read of her perspective in the column she’s published on the Telegraph here:

And if one more person sends me an email or a text saying, “do you tweet?” I will stamp on my mobile and replace it with two tin cans attached to a piece of string. Do I tweet? How dare you ask me such a thing. No I bloody well don’t tweet. I am a human, not a Looney Tunes cartoon character with a lisp.

Heh. Nice one.

After my pre-Christmas ‘MY ARSE WITH TWITTER‘ post, I’ve been a lot happier with the service — now that I’ve reoriented by viewpoint.

The old MIReview twitter account is now simply punting out updates to anyone who’s subscribed whenever we publish a new blog post. This is a very useful feature for anyone that wants to keep updated.

And you can follow my very occasional updates at my personal account, ew4n. If you subscribe to me, I subscribe to you.

And if you send 100% bullshit through to my Twitter feed, I simply switch you off. That’s the dilemma I was having last month. And if you have got something to tell me, make sure you email. Or direct-message.

Alas, the vast majority of the stuff I see on Twitter is, as I put in the title, 99% ego and 1% useful. But the 1% useful stuff is, sometimes, very very useful.

I don’t really see that changing much.

Update: Thanks to SashaKane to points out in her Tweet that:

Famous business strategist says Twitter is 90% EGO- 9% stammer feed and 1% useful information..Ummm!

I’m not sure who that famous business strategist is yet 😉