
txtNation powering Blossom Hill's wine text/MMS competition

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The team at txtNation are rightly delighted to be providing the infrastructure for wine maker, Blossom Hill’s summer competition.

Blossom Hill are giving away 20 summer garden parties worth £1k each. Nice.

3.75 million promotional bottles of their Rosé range are already out in the marketplace looking for your attention (and containing full details of the promotion). To enter you simply text your details to the txtNation shortcode. Entrants will receive a reply confirming the receipt of their text message along with a quirky idea to enhance their own garden.

In addition, 1,000 pubs in the UK will be promoting the relateed Blossom Hill MMS picture messaging competition. I particularly like this concept:

Consumers are to take photos of themselves enjoying Blossom Hill wine with friends to be able to enter into the prize draw, in which people will win one of the 10 Garden party kit prizes within their local pub. All they have to do is simply take a photo of themselves and send it in with the word ‘SUMMER’ to 60999. For the other competition they could simply text in their name, address and D.O.B along with the word ‘BLOSSOM’ to 60999 for the chance to win fantastic prizes.

Blossom Hill — via their agency, Pulse Group — purchased mFUSION and mBILL from txtNation enabling them to ensure that their campaigns were set up successfully and delivered perfectly, right on schedule. txtNation also created the website that Blossom Hill is using to host the picture competition.

I can’t get enough of this kind of news. I am really pleased to read about it and I’m delighted txtNation are telling people about it — all too often, we in the industry only find out about successes such as this when you’re in the local superstore. The fact that big, big consumer brands such as Blossom Hill are adopting the medium of mobile to support their big summer marketing push is brilliant news for the mobile industry. Because all of Blossom Hill’s competitors will now be peering at the competition and if they haven’t looked at mobile, they’ll now be a lot more keen on discussing it when it’s raised by their agencies next year.

Bring it on. The more, the better. Nice one txtNation.