
UK Apple iPhone now £169 at Carphone Warehouse

From tomorrow, the 8GB iPhone is now available on o2, via Carphone Warehouse, for £169 pounds — on a 600 minute, 500 text, unlimited data £35/month price plan (18 months, I imagine).

Good news!

The even better news is that anyone who purchased an iPhone from Carphone Warehouse within the last 30 days will, under the company’s Ultimate Price Promise scheme, receive £100 worth of vouchers automatically. Cool!

From the Carphone release:

Launched 10 years ago and already responsible for customers receiving millions of pounds, the Ultimate Price Promise means The Carphone Warehouse will automatically give vouchers to the value of £100 to anyone who has purchased an iPhone from the store in the last 30 days.

“The iPhone has changed the landscape and we’re delighted that we can lower its price and broaden its appeal,” says Andrew Harrison, UK CEO, The Carphone Warehouse. “Of course, significant price reductions can make people who have recently purchased feel like they missed out, so with our Ultimate Price Promise customers will get an unexpected bonus.”

Interesting, interesting.