
Unlimited Drinks London is tonight!

Yes! Unlimited Drinks London is tonight!

If you’re in San Francisco right now you can probably just make it if you’re getting on the plane RIGHT NOW and you take the Heathrow Express when you arrive in. But make sure you’re names down on the list by emailing me (details).

Here’s the critical info
The date: June 10th (Tuesday – TODAY!)
The venue: Number3 Bar, New Burlington Street, just off Regent Street, London (Google Map)
The time: 6-630pm onwards

What to expect
Here’s the standard user model for Unlimited Drinks:

1. Locate the Number3Bar on New Burlington Street. It’s quite easy to find. Don’t make the mistake of going down into Club Eve — that’s the basement entrance and is below the Number3Bar.

2. Tell the bouncers on the door that you’re here to see me for Unlimited Drinks and SMS Text News. They will no doubt smile benignly and point you through the door.

3. All things being equal, you will next encounter me. So you can easily locate me, I’ll be sporting a shocking, shocking pinstripe suit (black and chalk stripes), pink tie, pink shirt (comfortable with my masculinity). My function at the start of the night is to ensure I’m on or near the door, welcoming you — and demanding a business card from you. If you like, we can swap. I’ll then point you to the cloakroom area (one quid charge) — this is useful if you’ve brought laptops and coats. Do look out for the chaps from OnePoint Surveys who are usually dressed in sharp pinstripes too.

4. Walk through to the bar area and get yourself a drink. Folk tend to congregate around this area — mysteriously.

5. Talk to people. Seriously. Don’t just stand there, it’s no fun. Everyone at the event either knows me virtually or directly or knows SMS Text News — so you have something in common. If you start a conversation with someone, you will not be blanked, nor will you be ignored. You are encouraged to say ‘hi’ to folk. That’s the whole reason for being there. If you are blanked, by the way, tell me, and we’ll taser the offender and exit them.

6. No speeches, no guff. This event is primarily a thank you to the SMS Text News readership and an opportunity for you to network with people and just have-a-chat. You might be able to do business. At the very minimum, I hope you’ll be able to have a constructive conversation about mobile with other attendees.

7. Thank you, NinetyTen. The chaps there are supporting the event and ensuring it can happen. Without them we wouldn’t be able to deliver such a winning experience. Therefore, the quid pro quo is that you must familiarise yourself with the company. Make sure you’ve seen their site, make sure you’ve looked at BuddyPing. Hunt for David, David and Justin — and when you meet them, thank them.

8. Charlotte of Noisy Media will be filming at the event. We’re going to put together a video podcast compilation of attendees introducing themselves on camera. Standby to give an elevator pitch! She’ll also be able to discuss creating a movie or overview of your product or service — something I strongly recommend for any mobile related business.

9. Did you say free gizmos? Yes. Mark from AwarenessTech has dug deep to ensure that the first hundred of so guests will get a free (SMS Text News branded) mobile charger. Should work for most Nokias. Kudos to you Mark. He’s got some excellent mobile security and remote locking services that I’ll be doing some stories on shortly.

10. Life’s good? Yes it is. Thanks to LG. Chris and Nathalie of the LG Blog are popping down, big time. They’re coming with gifts in the form of two brand spanking new LG KF600’s (product page)

A new experience in design and usability
Featuring an innovative design with a sleek exterior, semi-reflective dual screen and black crystal finish. The dual screen InteractPad brings a new ease to phone navigation.

How can you get your hands on one of these swish devices? Well, we’re going to randomly draw a business card on the night. Twice. Yup, Chris is bringing two of them! So, *DO* give me your card when you arrive.

11. Drinks. Beer is free, as are house red and white wines and soft drinks. The food’s free too.

12. Be sure to give me your card so I can remember I met you. My memory is appalling. The card helps me do a little write-up about you in the event review the next day.

See you there!

PS. No phone holsters, please.

Here’s me in the pinstripe this morning to set context:

Photo 10