
Unlimited Drinks update

I’ve been working hard on a venue and a ‘concept’ for the SMS Text News Unlimited Drinks evening. The date is almost certainly August 22nd.

UPDATE: Ok, so I got the date wrong. It’s actually August 23rd — the THURSDAY night.

One of the most interesting tasks is asking venue owners just how much an unlimited drinks evening will cost. A lot of them have projectile vomitted in my direction at the mere hint of the word unlimited, so I will need to manage expectations there I think.

However, I have engaged uber-professional make-it-happen Juno Productions to help organise things. A weight off my mind. They’ve been checking out some very nice venues. We should have something fixed by early next week.

I like the concept of a few tables laden with goodies to play with, dotted around the venue. If you’ve got some goodies — hardware, applications or the like, that you’d like to show off, talk to me and let’s see what we can do.

If you haven’t already told me you’re up for coming along, please email me with the subject UNLIMITED DRINKS = YES so I can put you in the right folder and then get you an invite shortly. As long as you work in mobile, or somewhere related to mobile, AND as long as you don’t have some dirt cheap 4.99 mobile phone in your hand when I meet you, you’re invited.