
Update to Three ban on Google and any other website

Link: SMS Text News: banned by Hutchinson 3g UK.

Ferdinand of location-aware-device blog ubikwitus posted a comment on the above link suggesting I download the Opera Mini Browser to bypass the Three UK walled garden.  Excellent idea!

For a moment, I thought there was the solution.  Alas no.  I can’t *get* to via the phone’s browser, because I’m automatically redirected to the "oh, I’m sorry, you can’t access this, would you like to suggest it as a site" page.

It’s the data stream via Three that I need degregulated I think.  I can get that if I pay £45 a month for ‘internet access for your laptop via your phone’.  Bit steep though.

Well I’ve been browsing around and considering what to do.  I think the answer is a newer Sony Ericsson on Vodafone.