
US Shortcode Registry List and WHOIS service launched

I had a note from Jonathan Madnick to let me know about his super service: US Shortcode Whois in which he’s listing every single US shortcode number, it’s vanity alternative (e.g. 20369 = "20FOX"), its website and its general purpose.

Not only is this a super reference resource, it’s an excellent record of what’s going on in the US shortcode marketplace.  For instance, I’d never come across Pop Solutions (22767) before.  Also interesting to see that Lagardere, for example, have two shortcodes to their names for the purposes of text chat. 

Very worthwhile, very smart.  This is definitely one of those sites to bookmark and refer back to. 

Incidentally, if you know of a US shortcode that’s not listed, drop Jonathan a note via the site and let him know. 

Find it here:

I’m not sure if something like this exists in the UK — last time we needed a UK shortcode, Nick Ris at MX Telecom whacked me over a spreadsheet of the available ones.  Crucially it didn’t list the ones taken nor show what they did.