
If I was in the Valley, I'd be going to the Homebrew Computer Club Reunion!

Good friend of Mobile Industry Review (and occasional contributor) Michael Selvidge is amongst the partners running this Kickstarter listing for what promises to be a thoroughly brilliant event.

You’ve heard of the Homebrew Computer Club, right?

Jobs, Wozniack and so on? They all got together there. The Personal Computer revolution all started there. Sort of. You know what I mean 😉

Michael and his colleagues have got together to arrange a reunion. No reason. Just because. Just because it would be cool. Woz will be there. He is giving a talk along with Ted Nelson of Hypertext fame, as well as Home Brew originals Lee Felsenstein and Gordon French.

Michael and his colleagues hit their $16,000 funding objective in what seems like seconds. No wonder. I’d have signed up and gone along, if only I was on the West Coast.

All the cool stuff still happens there 😉

Take a read of the Kickstarter listing and standby — they’re currently only $3,500 from hitting their $40k stretch target that will see them produce a video of the evening.