
Video: Andrew Gilbert, Qualcomm's top man in Europe

On Thursday afternoon last week I got 20 minutes with Andrew Gilbert, Qualcomm‘s top man in Europe. He agreed to go on camera to give us an overview of the company and talk about opportunities with the company’s Brew MP platform. If you think you know Qualcomm, do think again. Did you, for instance, know that Andrew runs a $100m fund for investing in (or acquiring) companies of interest to their business? I didn’t. So if you’re working on some technology that Andrew and his colleagues may well need, do think about talking to them.

I had no idea of Qualcomm’s breadth of operations. Yes I knew they did the SnapDragon processor. Yes I knew this was relevant to the latest Android and Windows phones, but I didn’t have a clue about their medical operations, nor did I realise that they’ve paid mobile developers $3bn of revenue so far.

Have a watch below…

Part 1:

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Part 2:

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Thank you for taking the time Andrew, it was very good of you.

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