
Video: Blogger Reactions to BlackBerry's WES2010

Last week I was in Florida courtesy of RIM for their super-huge WES2010 event. I took the camera and I collaborated with Kevin and the talented CrackBerry team to produce some absolutely brilliant footage.

I’ve begun to really enjoy this method of collaboration because it means I can focus on the video — on capturing the story — whilst someone else (in this case) Kevin Michaluk, Editor of CrackBerry, can focus on generating the story. We got into a pretty good rhythm and I’ll be posting the rest of the videos from there shortly.

Quite a lot of the mobile industry luminaries were in attendance at WES — and most of them had a few seconds spare to go on camera to discuss their immediate reactions to the all new BlackBerry 6.0 OS and the Pearl 3G.

As Kevin notes, the video below features:

Chris Ziegler from Engadget, Eric Zeman from Phone Scoop, Al Sacco of CIO, Andrew Munchbach of BGR and many, many more!

Here we go: